Sunday, August 4, 2013

General AD Carry Tips

The role of an AD carry or "Marksman" is to deal high consistent damage in the late game and also take down towers in late game sieges. Due to their usually higher auto attack range, they can safely deal damage from the back lines while their front line peels and protects them from potential threats. Here are some general tips to consider when playing in the AD carry role:

  • Stay behind your team - Positioning is key for the AD carry role so try to always be the furthest person in the back during team fights. Your front line can help you soak damage and lock down high priority targets so you can stay alive and shred the enemy team.
  • Focus the highest threat first - People often complain when they see their AD carry focusing a tank like Rammus. However, the AD needs to kill whichever threat is closest to them rather than risk mispositioning themselves in order to attack the squishy targets. As long as you are consistently dealing damage, you are doing your job. When it comes to late game, it usually comes down to which AD can kill the enemy front line quicker will win the team fight.
  • Farm - The team relies on you as the AD carry to deal the most damage when it comes to team fights in the late game. Try your best to not miss CS in lane and don't try to over harass or zone your opponents if you are missing out on a lot of farm yourself. When your bot lane is pushed forward, you can always swing by your double golem or wolf camp to pick up a bit of extra farm while waiting for the enemy to push the lane to a more favorable position. If there is available farm nearby and there is no real action occurring, go and take it. If you have time, grab some extra jungle camps while you are maneuvering into another lane.
  • Build Armor Penetration - I have seen a lot of games where the AD carry will build multiple phantom dancers or blood thirsters instead of grabbing a last whisperer. Armor penetration is crucial when it comes to killing tanks. Late game full build, you should be able to melt any target within a couple of seconds with armor penetration which is crucial when it comes down to whose tanks will die first in the late game. Not buying armor penetration can result in you dealing 70% less damage to high armor targets which will reduces your damage output tremendously. 
  • Hit the towers - When sieging, it is important for your team to chip away at towers so that they will eventually go down. Generally the AD will be the one to do it due to their long range, and high auto attack damage. A couple of hits every minion wave will eventually be enough to take down the turret. If all you do is focus on clearing the wave, then your team is just sitting around wasting time since nothing is being accomplished if you are not damaging the tower. However, it is important that you only attack the tower when you can do so safely since you do not want to be getting caught in a poor position.
That is all for now but stay tuned for more blog posts in the future. As always check out our Youtube and Twitter pages for more content and updates from us!

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